Brittain Fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology

I am dedicated to establishing connections between different languages, cultures, and historical contexts.

Emiliano Guiterrez Popoca, PhD Candidate at Brandeis University

My research on the early modern period focuses specifically on drama and poetry to show the relevance of such a crucial historical period to our present day. My recent work analyzes servant characters and other marginalized figures in early modern drama to argue that these precarious workers take central roles on stage in the plays of Shakespeare and his contemporaries.

My teaching goal is to guide students of different learning styles, backgrounds, and interests to gain insights into literary and cultural discussions and to encourage them to find ways they can actively contribute to them.

In my roles as English and writing instructor and Co-director of the Brandeis University Writing Center, I am committed to aiding students with diverse backgrounds in developing writing, argumentation, and research skills that they can apply to their academic and professional lives.