CV & Awards



Ph.D. in English, Brandeis University

Fulbright-García Robles Grant for Graduate Studies in the United States of America.

Dissertation title: “Performing a Servant’s Faithful Parts: Master-Servant Relations in Early Modern Drama.”

Advisor: Professor Ramie Targoff.


Master of Arts, Literature and Languages

Department of Philosophy and Literature, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Thesis: “Why are not sonnets made of thee?” The religious sonnets of John Donne and Gerard Manley Hopkins


Bachelor of Arts, Language and Literature (English Literature)

Department of Philosophy and Literature, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Thesis: “Compass, compass. Parallel conceits in two poems by John Donne” 

Honors & Awards


Richard Kaufman ’58 Memorial Prize for Leadership and Academic Excellence, speaker representative of graduating class, Brandeis University.


3MT (Three Minute Thesis) First Prize Award, Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools regional final


Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Brandeis University.


Fulbright-García Robles Grant for Graduate Studies in the United States of America.


Two-year grant for MA studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Professional Experience

2023 – present

Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellow

Georgia Institute of Technology

Developed syllabus, designed lesson plans, and taught courses in English composition, and multimodal communication. Conducted research in literature and writing and communication pedagogy. Served in the Multilingual Pedagogy and World Englishes Committee.


Writing Center Co-director

Brandeis University

Hired, trained, and coordinated up to 20 writing consultants per semester. Managed Writing Center budget, outreach, scheduling, programming, and liaison with other departments.


Instructor and Workshop facilitator

Brandeis Educational Justice Initiative

Developed syllabus and taught college credit-bearing course at School of Reentry, Boston Pre-Release Center. Developed materials, led sessions, and assessed needs of participants in the Partakers Empowerment Program for community reintegration of previously incarcerated individuals. 


Instructor and Workshop facilitator

Brandeis Educational Justice Initiative

Developed syllabus and taught college credit-bearing course at School of Reentry, Boston Pre-Release Center. Developed materials, led sessions, and assessed needs of participants in the Partakers Empowerment Program for community reintegration of previously incarcerated individuals.

2019 – 2021


Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Brandeis University

Developed syllabus and lesson plans for five- and ten-week courses on Shakespeare and other literature and film contents.


Teaching Fellow

Brandeis University

Led sections and one lecture during the semester.

2018 – 2019

University Writing Seminar Instructor

Brandeis University

Developed syllabus and lesson plans for first-year writing course with literature, film, and theory content.

2017 – 2019

Writing Center Consultant

University Writing Program, Brandeis University

Offered one-on-one support to undergraduate and graduate students.

2008 – 2016


Department of Philosophy and Literature, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Taught undergraduate courses on Elizabethan and Jacobean Literature, English Literature of the Seventeenth Century, and English as a Second Language, Writing and Composition, Shakespeare, Nineteenth Century English Literature. Supervised undergraduate and graduate theses.



Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)

Taught English as a second language to graduate and undergraduate Economics, Law and Political Science, and International Relations students. 


Peer-reviewed articles:

Gutiérrez-Popoca, Emiliano. “Apprentice spirits and noble slaves: servile agency and the limits of service and slavery in Shakespeare’s The Tempest.” Renaissance Drama, The University of Chicago Press Journals. Accepted for publication in the Spring, 2024 issue.

Gutiérrez-Popoca, Emiliano. “The Independent Parasite: Mosca’s Theatrical Service in Volpone.” Ben Jonson Journal, vol. 29, no. 1, May 2022, pp. 46–64. Edinburgh University Press Journals,

Non-refereed article:

Gutiérrez Popoca, Emiliano. “”El alma en paráfrasis”. El soneto ‘Prayer I’ de George Herbert y su traducción como soneto en español.” Cánones y fugas, el soneto como ejercicio de traducción literaria: teoría y práctica, Gabriel Linares González and Mario Murgia Elizalde (editors), 2019.


Gutiérrez Popoca, Emiliano. “Pequeños mundos de ingenio y arte: traducción y comentario de seis sonetos religiosos de John Donne”. Anuario de Letras Modernas. Vol. 7, 2012. Mexico: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM.

Conference Memoir:

Gutiérrez Popoca, Emiliano. “El gótico norteamericano femenino desde la perspectiva masculina en The Virgin Suicides de Jeffrey Eugenides”. Coloquio Interacional Gótico III y IV. 2010-2011. Miriam Guzman y Antonio Alcalá (compilers). Mexico: Samsara Editorial, 2012.


2021 Paper: “A Parasite for Any Humor: Jonson’s Mosca, Disguise, and Social Mobility” Renaissance Society of America Virtual 2021 Conference, April 20, 2021.

2019 Paper: “Master-Servant Relations, the Body and its Passions in Early Modern Drama”

Panel: New Work in Early Modern Drama: A Graduate Symposium, December 6. Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University

2019 Panel organizer: “Poetics and Politics of Translation and Rewriting in Early Modern Literature in English”.

Paper: “The Woman, Courtier, and Poet in the Anachronisms of the Imagery of Mary Sidney’s Psalter”. Northeast Modern Language Association. 50th Anniversary Convention. Washington, DC, March 23. 

2018 Lecture: “Francis Quarles’s Emblems, Devine and Moral; Together with Hieroglyphicks of the Life of Man” (with Prof. William Flesch) Close Looking Series. Brandeis University, November 28.

2018 Paper: “Relics, Landscapes and Legends. Sacred Space and Typology in the Southwest of Cather’s Death Comes for the Archbishop” Displacement 2018. An Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference. The Graduate Center, CUNY, November 2.

2017 Paper: “An Actor in a Mist: Bosola, Melancholy and Metatheatricality in John Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi.” UMass Graduate Interdisciplinary Renaissance Conference. October 28


Spanish: native 

English: reading, writing, and speaking at graduate studies level

French: good reading comprehension, intermediate speaking, and writing skills.